ANSI releases standardization roadmap for electric vehicles

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ANSI releases standardization roadmap for electric vehicles

Greentech Lead America: The American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) has released Standardization Roadmap for Electric Vehicles.

The Version 1.0 is developed by the Institute’s Electric
Vehicles Standards Panel (EVSP).

The Standardization Roadmap is designed to assess the
standards, codes, and regulations, as well as conformance and training
programs, needed to facilitate the safe, mass deployment of electric vehicles
and charging infrastructure in America.

“The roadmap delivers on its promise to pave a
smoother road to the large-scale rollout of electric vehicle technology. And
from the economic and environmental points of view, the timing couldn’t be
better,” said Jim Matthews, EVSP co-chair and director of technical
standards and standards policy at Corning.

EVs offer the potential to significantly reduce America’s
dependence on imported oil, create well-paying jobs through the establishment
of a broad, domestic EV industry, and reduce on-road vehicular emissions.

The Standardization Roadmap is developed by interests in
the automotive, electrotechnical, and utilities industries, as well as from
standards developing organizations (SDOs) and government.

The Standardization Roadmap will facilitate the
development of a comprehensive, robust, and streamlined standards and
conformance landscape for electric vehicles.

It is also expected to maximize the coordination and
harmonization of the standards and conformance environment domestically and
with international partners.

The Standardization Roadmap focuses on plug-in electric
vehicles – both full battery electric and plug-in hybrids – and the charging
infrastructure needed to support them given current range limitations of
plug-in EVs on battery power alone.

Standardization issues that relate to consumer adoption,
including EV safety, affordability, interoperability, performance, and
environmental impact, are considered. Support services, including training of
emergency first responders, vehicle technicians, electrical installers, and
inspectors, as well as education of authorities having jurisdiction, building
owners, and consumers, are also addressed.

The Standardization Roadmap is supplemented by the ANSI
EVSP Roadmap Standards Compendium, a searchable spreadsheet which inventories
standards that are directly or peripherally related to each issue identified in
the roadmap, while also identifying related issues to which the standards
potentially apply.

“The release of the Standardization Roadmap for
Electric Vehicles – Version 1.0 is a critical step forward in facilitating mass
EV deployment in the U.S.,” said S. Joe Bhatia, ANSI president and CEO.

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