Premier Solar cuts 66 full-time jobs due to anti-solar policy

By Editor


Following the decision by Governor Brian Sandoval’s Public Utilities Commission to eliminate solar savings for new and current solar customers, Premier Solar Solutions, a local solar sales and installation company based in Henderson, Nevada was forced to eliminate 66 full-time positions.

Premier Solar Solutions brought solar savings to hundreds of families in Nevada before the Commission imposed the new fees, the company said.

Commissioners Noble, Thomsen, and Burtenshaw retroactively changed the rates for existing solar customers, penalizing 17,000 homeowners who were encouraged by state policies to invest in solar.

The Commission’s decision favors NV Energy over consumers who want energy choice, according to Premier Solar

“We are devastated that the Commission’s anti-solar decision forced us to layoff 66 hard-working employees who were bringing the first form of energy choice to Las Vegas families,” Robert Lamore, owner, Premier Solar Solutions.

“Governor Sandoval and Commissioners Noble, Thomsen, and Burtenshaw changed the rules in the middle of the game, eliminating local jobs and wiping out investments for thousands of families who chose solar,” Lamore continued.

“After the PUC ruling we had no option but to close our office in Henderson, layoff our staff of 66 people and to relocate the company to a state that favors small business and the right for customer choice. The Commission should reverse this decision immediately,” Lamore said.

Rajani Baburajan

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