Gehrlicher Solar Espana completes 10 MW solar park for KGAL German fund ESPF 1

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Gehrlicher Solar Espana completes 10 MW solar park for KGAL German fund ESPF 1

By Greentech
Lead Team:
Gehrlicher Solar Espana, a subsidiary of the
German multinational photovoltaic company Gehrlicher Solar, will hand over
Pereruela Solar Park to the investor European Solar Power Funds 1, a
German investment fund specializing in photovoltaic projects, managed by KGAL.

Pereruela Solar Park is the second connected
installation in the province of Zamora with a total 14 MW capacity installed in
this region. Gehrlicher Solar has completed the construction and commissioning
of Pereruela Solar Park in last December.

“The Gehrlicher team has anticipated possible changes
of the legal framework and made efforts to develop new markets. We will keep on
working hard and face the new market framework as an opportunity. Pereruela
Solar Park has created a strong basis in our relationship with KGAL, with whom
we hope to realize further projects in other markets soon,” said Guillermo
Barea, CEO of Gehrlicher Solar Espana.

The plant is equipped with ground-mounted photovoltaic
installation and expected to produce around 15.000.000 kWh of power per year,
equivalent to the yearly power needs of 3.960 households and to a yearly saving
of around 5,000 CO2 tons. 122.584 First Solar modules and 14 SMA inverters
have been installed in the facility. This is the Gehrlicher Solar’s biggest
photovoltaic plant in Spain.

Gehrlicher Solar is responsible for the integral
execution of this project including designing, managing, construction, and
operation and maintenance. The project increases the total power operated and
maintained by Gehrlicher in Spain to over 40 MW, positioning the firm in this
country at a high level in this business segment.

“We are delighted that Pereruela Solar Park, our
13th photovoltaic project in Spain, is now online. The various funds managed by
KGAL in Spain now operate power plants with a total capacity of around
76 MW. This was the first time we had worked with our partner Gehrlicher
Solar España and they did an excellent job under conditions that weren’t exactly
easy,” said Klaus Wolf, managing director of KGAL.


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