Smarter Power California drive begun by Batteries Plus Bulbs

By Editor


Batteries Plus Bulbs, having more than 30 stores throughout California and over 625 nationwide, is launching a statewide campaign called “Smarter Power California”.

The battery and light bulb retail chain is initiating educational efforts by expanding its franchise presence throughout California.

The campaign will help residents reduce their energy demands, save on energy costs and take California to the top list of most energy-efficient states in country.

Throughout September and October, Batteries Plus Bulbs will offer advice, tips and demonstrations, for consumers on how to be more energy-efficient.

The campaign will provide simple steps and other information related to using energy-efficient battery and light bulb products, battery and light bulb recycling, repairing devices or buying new ones, and tips to make portable electronic devices run efficiently.


In general, by using a Light Bulb Technology Display and an Energy Savings Calculator, the associates at stores can show consumers the cost savings they can do by replacing current light bulbs with energy-efficient alternatives.

The Light Bulb Technology Display measures the amount of energy it takes to power different types of light bulbs, while the Energy Savings Calculator indicates the amount of energy and money that can be saved.

In coming months, store owners will welcome consumers to join this initiative and stop in for a demonstration, so that Californians can have an idea on energy-saving tips and product options available to them.

Furthermore, for business purposes, a Batteries Plus Bulbs representative will perform a free onsite needs-analysis, explaining program benefits, delivery and recycling services, volume discount opportunities, local energy rebate programs, and online ordering.

This campaign is considered as a natural extension of the brand. Through the network, the franchisees and associates educate thousands of consumers and businesses every day about products that can help them reduce their energy consumption, said, Russ Reynolds, CEO, Batteries Plus Bulbs.

Americans can save 10 to 30 percent on their energy bills by taking advantage of energy-efficient products and services, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

California, being an environmentally-conscious state is ideal for expanding the franchise presence and a great place to spread the message about energy efficiency.

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