Break your silence on green issues Obama and Romney, says environmental group


Break your silence on green issues Obama and Romney, says environmental group

Greentech Lead America: With Presidential election approaching, there is no
better time to convey public concern to the authorities. Several industry
groups and activists are utilizing election campaign platforms to raise their
concerns about issues. Environmental concerns have garnered considerable
attention despite both parties’ deliberate attempts not to go deeper into any
commitments on green issues.  

Of late, Energy Action Coalition launched a campaign to
run a new national ad, calling on the candidates to break their silence on
climate change and share their plans for dealing with the growing climate

The campaign intends to put a direct question to the
presidential candidates: “What will your administration do to address our
generation’s greatest challenge–the global climate crisis?” 

“With only one debate to go, the candidates are running
out of time to address one of the most important issues to young voters — the
global climate crisis,” said Maura Cowley, executive director of Energy
Action Coalition. “It’s time the candidates put their money where their
mouth is and lead on this issue.”

“Climate change induced natural disasters and extreme
weather incidents, from Florida’s rising sea levels and Ohio’s worsening air
quality to record draughts and extreme temperatures across the U.S., show just
how much is at stake, particularly for young Americans,” Cowley continued.
“We’ll be listening at next week’s debate for the candidates to address climate
change, and we won’t be satisfied until we hear the candidates present real

On Monday, dozens of young climate activists and youth vote leaders, led by
Duresny Nemorin, a 21-year-old Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University
(FAMU) featured in the campaign, will march in Boca Raton, FL, ahead of the
final presidential debate, demanding that the candidates break the silence on
climate change and lay out their politics for dealing with the climate crisis
at home and abroad.