The Sistemas Sustentables and ISSRC
The test was conducted to carry out operational testing to determine electric-bus feasibility in Bogota’s Integrated Public Transport System. The BYD Andino-12 electric bus had a carrying capacity of 80 passengers with a specified range of over 250 km.
The testing was carried out in Bogota and covered around 700 km with a total testing time of 40 hours under various traffic conditions, road surfaces and gradients. The tests were carried out under two different load conditions (full load and 70 percent loaded), according to the various protocols and manuals.
The Andino 12’s average performance on route was 1.13 km/kWh. In terms of passenger perceived noise, the average values obtained were considerably below the Colombian standards, 61.44 dB and 66.87dB with the windows closed and open (the maximum standard in Columbia is 80 dBA).
When the bus is stopped, it does not generate any noise since the motor parts are static (i.e. it does not have an idling mode like a traditional internal combustion engine). The results obtained fell well within required values set in the Colombian standard (daily limit of 50 μg/ m36), regardless of whether the vehicle circulates with the windows closed or open (20.2 and 31.8 μg/m3 respectively).
The bus did not present any problems in terms of range and regeneration and was completely reliable. The single-charge range of the Andino 12 was confirmed between 270 and 280 km, which complies with Bogota requirements for operating within the system.
Last October, BYD’s electric bus participated in the C40 Hybrid & Electric Bus Test Program in Colombia. This event is endorsed by The Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) and InterAmerican Development Bank (IABD).